Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 and other updates

Jake and Henry had a great xmas this year (Henry's 2nd and Jake's 5th) - Santa brought them everything they asked for: a toy kitchen, 2 hunting wii games, and a monster truck wii game, along with numerous surprises. Henry opened presents very well this year and really enjoyed getting "big trucks" and "choo-choos" - Jake was more picky and didn't show excitement unless his gift was hunting themed, wii game, or farm/truck. He does not show good manners when opening clothes (although I have tried to help him act with kindness - he still told one giver he wanted something else) - And to make Christmas even more special, we had a white Christmas evening and it is still snowing now, the day after :) We have been playing with our new things, watching the snow, and hoping we don't lose power. Planning to build a snowman tomorrow!

Henry now has teeth #14 & #15 in - Jake is wearing size 12.5 shoe -

They were both wisemen in the church xmas program - and Jake's preschool xmas program was cancelled this year because of snow - we have had alot of snow in the past 3 weeks!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

vivid imagination

jake is really into playing imaginary scenarios and right now, hunting is his favorite. i gave in and let him have a toy shotgun and he makes me and steve pretend to be deer that he is hunting. he also likes to play "bear" too. but today, he got to go hunting for real, with steve. they went for an hour right before dark. they sat in the double tree stand that steve got for xmas last year and jake took his gun :) they saw a few does and steve said that jake did very well - sitting still, being fairly quiet (which is a challenge for jake) - they had fun! every time they leave together, henry cries and cries because he wants to go too. poor buddy - one day he will get to go. and then i will be all alone - what in the world would i do with the time???? lol :)

another cute thing was that henry said "book" and "choo choo" today - and jake asked me "peel him up" an apple (he meant cut it up) :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

before i forget

sometimes i feel desperate to write memories down, before i forget them. my video camera charger is lost and i felt so sad to no record the boys on video in their halloween costumes - this will be the 1st year this happened - and yet, it is too late now - grandma got them though - hopefully i can record from her recording.....anyway, henry was a state trooper and jake kept calling him "henry cooper" instead of trooper :)

last week at school, it was a special week and each day was something fun. they had pajama day, wear red day, and wacky hair day. jake kept calling i "waxy" hair day :) at school, he can now write his letters A through I :)

henry is saying more words, like moon, bugs, shoes, milk, me...he loves the moon and points it out all of the time :)

jake also says "we haven't done that for a few whiles"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

pumpkin patch patrol

jake and henry are policemen for halloween this year. jake is an officer and henry is a state trooper. they are absolutely adorable and i had the most fun posing them in the pumpkin patch as my "pumpkin patch patrol" :) they were so cute that tonight, at jake's school's halloween festival, henry won BEST COSTUME for his age group :) he really was the cutest one there!

henry is growing and maturing each day. he understand everything we tell him but does not talk much. he did say "papa" today (pointing to my dad) and points and says "moon" every night that he sees it in the sky. he also says "golly goll" for ball and is also saying the acual word "ball" too :)

jake is doing great in school and can now write letter A-K on his own (needs help with G and I) and can copy the entire alphabet by looking at it.

more later - hen is fussing

Sunday, August 15, 2010

down the slide

henry went down the slide for the first time today, by himself :) no fear - loves it and of course, cries when we take him back inside. he likes to be outside - he likes to ride in steve's truck with him. he also likes to pull the chains on the ceiling fan and lights and throw a FIT if we don't let him. he loves to eat and had pasta, blueberries, and cheetos for dinner :) we are trying to reduce his bottles and he has only had 2 today (down from 4-5 normally at this point in a day)-

jake is so cute and has grown more since a few weeks ago. some of his size 6 clothes are too tight! he can recognize his numbers 1-6 and is doing well on the alphabet, over half. he starts school on wednesday and will be going all day from 8-3....i might get a little sad about this at first - i hope he will be ok and not have anxiety - fingers crossed, a little prayer is sent :) i love my babies and don't ever want them to feel sad or scared.

Friday, July 30, 2010

'pend the night

steve and i are going to an overnight farm meeting/summer expo in woodstock virginia. the boys are staying the night with grandmother and mackdaddy (pend the night, as jake would say)-

last night we asked henry where the corn was and he looked and pointed the ears of corn on the stove. and this morning we said 'henry, what happend to your hair?" - it was sticking up - and he reached up and touched it ;) he is easily entertained by taking off/putting on lids from bottles/cupe/etc and would play all day in the dishwasher if he let him. he als likes to climb up in the chair and mess with the laptop (bang the keys/shut it/ pull the internet card off)-

jake has been into dinosaurs lately and knows the names for about 4-5....he can also recognize his numbers pretty well, definitely 1-6....also i noticed this past school year that he was starting to color closer in the lines towards the end of the year, when compared to the beginning of the school year :) we went ahead and ordered his school bag for this year and he picked out a super cute dino theme (with matching thermos and lunchbox) -

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

my boys

jake loves his grandparents - every time he sees his grandma, he has to get a juicy and fruit-snacks before he leaves her. a little too much sugar sometimes, but a ritual that is sweet :) just now, she came over and left her goodies. but since it is 9:24pm, he had to choose between the 2, rather than have both so late....he said "i'll save the juicy for 'morrow" :)

we went to the va living museum today with grandmother, mackdaddy, and cousin ethan (who is visiting for the week) - they had a dinosaur exhibit which jake loved. henry had a great time too and was very content and good. we did have to exit the planetarium movie early because he kept talking and wouldnt sit still. but a nice time overall.

jake also went to "camp grandmother" for several days, to stay with her and spend time with ethan. they went to busch gardens, the children's museum in richmond (played with the awesome race car display), and tried to camp out each night. but it always stormed. they did manage to roast marshmallows though! he had fun and spent 3 nights away from home! i'm glad he's back home now :)

henry can follow simple directions, such as when we tell him to take a toy to daddy. he is so cute - smiles alot - likes his mama- cries when you tell him "no", especially if your voice is stern. he says "hello" very clearly when he pretends to talk on a phone. and calls a ball a Gall - wearing a size 6 shoe now - seems to be bigger than jake was at this age - will climb the ladder to jake's bunk beds if he can - knows where his eye and mouth are - does a lizard where he sticks his tongue in/out really fast :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


when jake wants to tie 2 things together, he says he is going to "tangle" them :)

we were making pasta salad the other day and jake was helping. i asked him if he wanted to try it. he said "no, it might give me chiggers."

today, i handed henry a french fry to eat. after a few seconds, he said "ta-tu" (thank you)-

jake has had 2 ticks on him this summer. when steve pulled them off, he SCREAMED! poor buddy~

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Henry likes to put on our shoes and try to walk in them~

Jake has gone for 2 nights with his Pa and Grandpa, to visit Aunt Missy. Go to the beach, putt-putt, bumper boats, etc~

Henry likes to go up and down the steps - when I count, 1 he says "2"~

Henry likes to raise up my shirt and poke my belly button~

Jake likes country music and rock & roll, and likes the songs "Big Green Tractor" and "Rain Makes Corn, Corn Makes Whiskey" - :)

Jake weighs 54.5 lbs this week~

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4 months too long

Henry had his 1st birthday party - polka dot theme :)

Henry's 1st Easter :)

it has been 4 months since my last post - so much has happened and my sweet baby boys are growing so quickly! if i think about it too much, it makes me scared that the time will go by too fast and they will be grown and won't let me snuggle and smell their hair anymore...makes me almost cry!

anyhoo, they can say and do the funniest things. jake told me today that a lady on tv was wearing a "tinkerchef", aka, handkerchief :) henry can now say mama, dada, jake, bubba, "ga" for ball, ka-ka (cracker), bye-bye, hello, and thank you. he loves to try to put on peoples clothes and shoes and sits for long periods putting on/taking off the lids of things.

we got a boat this summer, a suntracker deck boat which is really fun. the boys like it and we have been out about 4 times. we swam in the river yesterday and saw fireworks on it for the 4th of july. speaking of the 4th, henry went swimming for the first time and jake can now touch the bottom of the shallow end of the pool! henry loves the water and loves taking baths....jake DID NOT at that age :) henry still sleeps with me at night and we will try to get everybody back in their own beds once we get through the busy summer. the boys enjoy going to the patch every day and playing, picking blueberries, and eating the homemade ice cream that steve makes and we sell there. henry still drinks alot of bottles and i am not concerned with getting him weaned. i'll give him until xmas, like we did with jake. santa can take his bottle to a child who does not have one, like santa did with jake's.....kinda makes me sad again....if i think about it too much....with jake i knew that there would be another to go through everything with again.....with henry, i am not sure....."sigh"-

henry wears size 24 month clothes and size 5/6 shoe...jake wear size 6 and 12 shoe...jake weighs about 52 pounds and is 43 inches....not sure on henry untilwe go next month...he is probably 31 inches and 26 pounds....we went to busch gardens last week and jake was able to ride on roman rapids for the first time :) henry had a great time and was as good as gold - they were cute, side by side, in the double stroller that we rented for the day :)
jake turned 4 in april and had a monster truck party with an awesome cake that looked like a monster truck :) he started soccer and loved it, but had to end his season early. on april 30th, he was climbing out of henry's playpen and fell backwards back into it....broke his left elbow :( had a splint for 2 weeks, then a cast for 2, then a sling for 2...he is all better now and we hope he can play soccer in the fall since he missed so much of this season (only got to play in 1 game)-

jake ended his first year of preschool with good notes...on his last day, i cried like he was getting married....good golly....not a good sign of how i will be on graduation day! may was a good month, with a very successful strawberry season. henry won a contest in the vegetable growers magazine...we posed him in a veggie bushel basket last year, and he won 4th place with that photo :)
ok, this was a start on missing so much time -

Friday, March 19, 2010

sick baby boys

well, we just got over being sick this week. henry had an ear infection and jake had walking pneumonia!!!! sounds scary and he was pretty sick for 5 days, with a high fever and NO appetite. but he finally went back to school today and is eating FINALLY! he had lost 3 pounds and i was getting worried about his weight - but i am sure he will put it back in soon!

also, jake will begin soccer practice next week! pictures and info to come on my next post!

we are going to see the easter bunny on sunday with poppy, sassy, and becca - henry's first easter festivities! sooo exciting!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

almost spring - another update

well over another month has passed so it's time to check in :)

henry changes each day. he is crawling now, doing the same leg-drag crawl that jake did when he was that age. he is also pulling up and cruising along the furniture. he likes to eat real bananas and scavenges jake's leftover food, such as an eggo he too off of jake's plate the other day :) he also says da-da very well and just starting saying ma-ma to me....finally!

jake is really into monster trucks and plays his wii video game every day and also with his toy trucks. he also went to a monster truck show with steve and pa a few weeks ago and had a great time! he is still enjoying school and went a birthday party this weekend for one of his friends :)

henry weighs over 23 pounds right now - jake is still at about 50.....

Friday, January 22, 2010

baby boy updates

lots to tell about henry and jake - and over a month since my last entry.......

henry is 8 months old now and trying to crawl....he gets on all 4s and leans forward but usually ends up on his belly before he gets anywhere....he is cutting is 3rd tooth, up top on his left side....he weighs a little over 22 pounds and we just got him a new car seat since he has officially outgrown his carrier.....he wears size 12 months clothes (some 18 months) and is talking a little more....although he has still not said ma-ma unless he was crying/fussing....he does the "bad cough" game and also will stick his tongue out and in if you do it to him first :)

jake is learning and growing each day - he can write his entire name now (thanks to mommy teaching him at all, which i am very proud of)....he also recognizes the numbers 1,2,3 and knows all of his colors....he learns lots of songs at school which he loves to sing and has learned the days of the week and the months of the year through these songs....he weighs about 51 pounds and is 42.5 inches.....wears 5t/6 clothes and size 11 shoes still....he LOVES monster trucks, race cars, and playing his wii games....he still loves his FROGGIE blanket and has to have it everywhere he goes....he loves chocolate milk (which we call milkshakes in his sippy cup)...he is getting in a little trouble at preschool for hitting and pushing the other kids so we are starting to work on this with him.....

the other day, jake asked me about isabelle, our cat who passed away last june. i told him then that she had gone to heaven with the angels and was riding kitty cat roller coasters. he asked me agai a few nights ago when she was coming made me so sad.....but i explained that she was not coming back and he was perplexed...and then wanted to know where heaven was...

jake and henry's nickname for each other is BUBBIES and we also call henry OL' HEN...